Individual and intensive work 1:1
"The most valuable Investment is that in the Human."
Coaching is an individual process of accompanying the client in finding, working and developing solutions being harmonious to the client. As the coach we do not take the decisions or take the work away from the clients. The responsibility for the goals and success remains with the client. The responsibility for the process lies - in agreement with the client - with the coach. The qualified and experienced coaches at com motus are questioning and inspiring companions at your side, who avoid projecting personal yardsticks onto their clients.
For whom and when is Coaching useful?
External coaches accompany individuals and teams, employers, self employed, free lancers and managers of different levels through phases of extreme physical and psychological stress or a new personal orientation .Coaching is sought after for example in steps of a decision process, when goals are not clear, doubts or uncertainties arise.
How does one work in Coaching?
Coaching usually takes place in sittings of between half an hour and maximum 3 hours. The frequency depends on the individual situation. The phases between sittings are used, amongst other things, with direct questions and incentives per our communication media. The Coach is always available. It is sensible to carry out the Coaching in a venue other than where the daily work takes place. This can be another room, building town or even while going for a walk.
The first conversation/meeting is free and not binding. As well as getting to know one another ,present and hoped for situation will be looked at and stimulus for self coaching given. The foundation of the discreet and trustworthy work together is the clients prerogative to decide if and how further Coaching takes place.
Supportive methods could be, amongst others, “Leadership Analysis and Consulting (LAC) 360°- Feedback”, profiling of personalities with the “complimentary judging help KEH” or “Team management System TMS”
Coaching clients report of the following results:
- Widened field of competences,
- better realising of potential,
- an increase in motivation and performance,
- acceleration of decisions and processes,
- and an increase in the professionality of managers,
- communication and conflict management.