Highly personalised work in groups
„Lehren heißt: zeigen, was möglich ist; Lernen heißt: ausloten, was machbar ist“
This is the approach that makes it possible for people to learn, train and develop mentally. Flexible through training instead of inhibited by routine. With all the advantages of working in a group without the restrictions of working alone. You experience us as hosts who structure, demand and encourage - and not as a teaching seminar leader.
Especially small groups of executives or departments benefit from visions, steps and goals that are derived from working with one another. The mutual understanding of tasks and values and the practise test under protected trainings conditions are the keys to success.
Your ideas and the requested “Input” are the basis for the conception and carrying out of individual trainings which will be specially designed to suit your needs.
You can expect workshops with
- lots of practical work
- room for individuality
- flexibility and reflectiveness
- esteem
- value
- pressure and build up of fear
- “manager patterns”
- recipes
- “motivation gurus”
- “off the rack” methods
- generalised “wives tales and truths”